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Pavers and Decorative Stones - Installation Services

Pavers and Decorative Stones can be a fantastic option for your outdoor living space. 

ROHSAYS can help you design a look that feels right to you, Or if you already have a paver tile and custom design in mind, 

We can make it become a reality, Giving you an outdoor living space that you and your family can love.


Pavers can be laid in many different angles, shapes and designs. We will help you find the solution for your outdoor space.

Contact us at ROTHSAYS to get a free quote-PH: 0800 33 23 78 or click to arrange a FREE QUOTE

BEFORE  - Pavers and Decorative Stones

Paver and Pebble stone installation before installation

Pavers can create a great outdoor living space.

It can add value and character to your home, and give you an outdoor space you love to e in.

ROTHSAYS are here to put your custom design in to reality, Or come up with a design to suit your desires for you.

AFTER - Pavers and Decorative Stones

Paver and Pebble stone installation

There are many different colour options for both Pavers and Decorative stones. So whatever your needs and desires may be,

we are confidant we can find the right choice for you.

BEFORE - Pavers and Decorative Stones

Paver and Pebble stone installation

AFTER - Pavers and Decorative Stones

Paver and Pebble stone installation

There are many different landscape options for both Pavers and Decorative Stones. If you have some ideas in mind, 

ROTHSAYS will help you turn those ideas into reality. We would also be more than happy to give you various options, 

So you can choose a landscape design that suits you perfectly.

Paver and Pebble stone installation
Paver and Pebble stone installation

If you need help with a design or are ready to turn your idea into a reality, Click here TO BOOK A QUOTE or Call Us on 0800 33 23 78

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